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How BrokerEngine Pushes Data to FLEX

Understand when you can copy data to FLEX and which information will be copied

Agnes Caballero avatar
Written by Agnes Caballero
Updated over 9 months ago

Once you have integrated FLEX with BrokerEngine, you can copy information from BrokerEngine to FLEX in a single data push.

This integration does not support a true sync. It does not continually update information between BrokerEngine and FLEX. Moreover, the integration allows a one-way information push from BrokerEngine that creates a new record in FLEX.

Because the data structure differs between the two products and the integration is still in its beta phase, not all information will be transferred across. See the field mapping sections below for a summary of the data BrokerEngine can copy to FLEX.

We're working on an expanded FLEX integration, so the information in this article may change over time.




Understanding data push types

BrokerEngine can push different types of data to FLEX. Because the integration is still in the beta phase, BrokerEngine needs to run each type of data push individually. That means you might need to push different types of data multiple times to FLEX for a single lead or deal card.

BrokerEngine can push data to FLEX from three asset types.



Board card

Copy across lead or deal card information. Start the push by clicking the FLEX icon at the top of the card in full view mode.

Fact Find

Copy across applicant information from a Fact Find filled out by clients. Start the push from the completed Fact Find in the Client Portal.


Copy across a note just added to a board card that is already linked to FLEX.

BrokerEngine cannot pull information about opportunities and applications from FLEX. Data pushes go one way – from BrokerEngine to FLEX.

Reviewing board card pushes

BrokerEngine gives you two data push options from a board card:

  • New FLEX Opportunity - Create an opportunity in FLEX, link contacts and products if appropriate, and copy over information from BrokerEngine.

  • Link existing FLEX ID - BrokerEngine adds the opportunity or application FLEX ID to the card but does not update any lead or deal information. However, the link can be used for future note pushes to the existing FLEX record.

If you use the FLEX-integrated Fact Find, don't use the FLEX sync on the lead or deal details page. Instead, sync from the Fact Find. This will stop BrokerEngine from duplicating the opportunity in FLEX.

New opportunity

If you choose to create a new opportunity in FLEX, BrokerEngine sends this information:

  • People linked to the lead or deal - If the BrokerEngine contact contains a FLEX ID linking it to a FLEX contact, BrokerEngine updates the existing contact record in FLEX. Otherwise, BrokerEngine creates a new contact record in FLEX.

  • The lead or deal itself - BrokerEngine creates a new opportunity record in FLEX and copies information from the board card.

  • Property involved in the lead or deal.

  • Products linked to the lead or deal - If a product is tracked by BrokerEngine and available in FLEX, BrokerEngine creates a FLEX link. It marks the link CONSIDERED (if the product was shortlisted but not highlighted in the product scenario) or SELECTED (if the product was highlighted in the product scenario and added to the funding position).

Reviewing Fact Find pushes

During a Fact Find push, BrokerEngine updates these information types:

  • People who filled out the Fact Find - If the BrokerEngine contact contains a FLEX ID linking it to a FLEX contact, BrokerEngine updates the existing contact record in FLEX.

  • Property included in the Fact Find.

Reviewing note data pushes

During a note push, BrokerEngine sends:

  • A note just added to the card - BrokerEngine generates a note and associates it with the relevant opportunity or application record in FLEX. This association is only established after BrokerEngine completes a card data push, enabling it to obtain a FLEX ID for linking the note record.

You can push data from a note as many times as required. Each data push creates a new note record in FLEX attached to an opportunity or application.

Mapping fields

Board card push

BrokerEngine Field

Equivalent field in FLEX



First Name

Middle Name

Last Name

Email Address

Birth Date

Phone Number: Mobile

Phone Number: Home

Phone Number: Office

Home Address: Street Address 1

Home Address: Street Address 2

Home Address: City/Town/Suburb

Home Address: Postcode

Home Address: State/Region

Home Address: Country

Postal Address: Street Address 1

Postal Address: Street Address 2

Postal Address: City/Town/Suburb

Postal Address: Postcode

Postal Address: State/Region

Postal Address: Country

Requirements and Objectives

Loan Amount

Loan Term

Loan Category

Loan Purpose

Requirements and Objectives

(fetched from Broker Wizard Step 4)


Split Loan

Fixed Rate

Stand Variable

Principal and Interest

Interest Only


Valuation Amount

Property Type







Fact Find push

BrokerEngine Field

Equivalent field in FLEX



First Name

Note push

BrokerEngine Field

Equivalent FLEX field



Note Text


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