Eliminate double handling of lead and deal information by pushing it from BrokerEngine to FLEX.
To integrate FLEX with BrokerEngine:
In BrokerEngine, click ... > Settings in the side navigation bar, then click Integrations in the side menu or drop down list.
Scroll down to FLEX and expand the section.
Enter your FLEX username and password.
If you want to copy notes added to leads and deals to FLEX, tick Automatically sync Notes created in BrokerEngine to FLEX.
Click Save.
FLEX integration information on dashboard cards
Once the integration is complete, BrokerEngine will display the FLEX icon on every deal. You can click the FLEX icon to push the deal to FLEX.
If the deal has not been pushed to FLEX, a cloud and pause symbol will overlay the icon.
If the deal has already been pushed to FLEX, a cloud and tick symbol will overlay the icon.
If you've turned on note sync, BrokerEngine will default to displaying the Add Note & Sync to FLEX button on notes.
Important Note: For support users, please ensure that the brokers you work with have also entered their FLEX credentials into their integrations tab in their settings.