Document Stacks are a time-saving FinanceVault feature that lets you send a bundle of frequently used templates to a client. The contents of a document stack can be updated as required. This article shows you how to add a new document category to an existing document stack.
You can also add new document categories when creating a new document stack. Click here to learn more.
Know how to create a lead or deal card.
Opening FinanceVault
Go to the side menu and open the Boards folder.
Click Leads (or Deals).
Scroll through the list to locate a card (or enter a name in the search field).
Double-click the applicant's name.
On the next page, click the GO TO PORTAL button.
The portal page displays.
Go to the TEMPLATES pane and search for a document stack.
Locate a stack and then click the EDIT link.
BrokerEngine displays the EDIT DOC STACK window. Click the ADD DOC CATEGORY link. A new window displays.
Adding a category
Fill in the fields. (see below)
Click Add Document.
Click Save.
Filling in the fields
Document label - Give the document a unique name. You and your client can see this name.
Body - Add instructions for the client.
Request Type - Normally, select General or the name of the product integration that you will be using with the document.
When Due - Click the field and select a stage option.
Shared With - The field is pre-populated with two merge fields (Primary Applicant and Co-Applicant). To change the parties, click the field and select one or more options on the drop-down menu.
Attachments - Upload one or more documents.
After you click Save, BrokerEngine adds the document to the stack.