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Edit FinanceVault Doc Category Templates

Learn how to update files in a document stack

Shelley Maher avatar
Written by Shelley Maher
Updated over a week ago

Doc Category Template is a fancy name for an individual document request you send to a client. Payslips, Identification, and Contract of Sale are three examples of doc category templates. When you join BrokerEngine, your account includes a number of pre-built doc category templates. You can use the templates as is or customise them.

This article shows you two customisation options:

  • update a doc category template that can be sent to all future clients, and

  • edit a doc category template that will be sent to one specific client.

You can also create a doc category template from scratch. Click here to learn more.



Know how to create a lead or deal card.

Opening the portal

Locate a lead or deal card and then double-click the name. The full view mode displays. Go to the Client Portal box and click the GO TO PORTAL button.

Editing a file for all future clients

Use the search bar to locate the document stack that contains the file you want to edit. Select the stack. Click the EDIT button.

BrokerEngine opens the Edit Doc Stack window. Locate the file to edit, hover the mouse on the filename, and click the pencil icon.

The Edit Document Category page displays. Update the information and then click Save Changes. After the page closes, click Save.

BrokerEngine closes the Edit Doc Stack window and displays the stack files in the TEMPLATES pane.

Editing a file for a specific client

This step shows you how to edit a template in a document stack for one specific client and not change the file in the stack.

Use the search bar to locate the document stack that contains the file you want to edit. Select the stack. Click the REQUEST ALL button.

BrokerEngine moves the stack files to the DOCUMENT REQUEST pane. Locate the file you want to edit, hover the mouse on the filename, and click the pencil icon.

The Edit Document Category page displays. Update the document and then click Save Changes.

Click the Review Request button at the bottom of the page and complete the steps to send the document request to the client.

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