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Push products to FLEX
Agnes Caballero avatar
Written by Agnes Caballero
Updated over 6 months ago

We made an upgrade on FLEX integration where you can now sync products to an opportunity in FLEX. In this article, we will show you how to push products from your BrokerEngine account to your AFG FLEX platform.

Note: You can only push products that BrokerEngine tracks by default, and that are also available in FLEX.


Before pushing products to FLEX:

Sync products from the deal

To push products to FLEX:

  1. Create or open a dashboard card.

  2. Ensure you have added products to your loan splits.

  3. Click the FLEX icon next to the card name to sync the deal to FLEX.

  4. Click + New FLEX Opportunity.

    BrokerEngine will list the information it will send to FLEX, including the products in the product scenario.

  5. Expand the Products section and check the list.

    BrokerEngine will specify products as:

    • CONSIDERED: if they were shortlisted but not highlighted in the product scenario.

    • SELECTED: if they were highlighted in the product scenario and added in the funding position.

  6. Check the products listed under Funding Position.

  7. Check the list of products that BrokerEngine can't push to FLEX.
    These are either products added manually by members of your broker group, or products that aren't available in FLEX.

    Note: BrokerEngine can only push system products to FLEX once.

  8. Once satisfied with the details, click Go to Sync and then Sync Now.

    BrokerEngine will display the results of the FLEX sync and the FLEX ID for the new Opportunity.

Sync Products from the Factfind

You can also sync products while syncing your factfind to FLEX. To push products from your Factfind:

  1. After you have finalized the factfind, click on the FLEX Icon

  2. Another window will appear with the factfind and product details.

  3. Expand the FLEX Product Data to review the products. You will see the products considered and selected from your product scenario as well as the products you added to your funding position.

  4. You can also select which products you do not want to sync to FLEX

  5. Once you are satisfied with the products listed, click Sync with FLEX.

  6. Once synced, a new window will show confirmation that the sync was successful.

What product details get pushed through to FLEX?

  • Product name

  • LMI Split amount

  • Discount

  • Interest rates

Note: The following will also push through to FLEX as you sync your factfind if these are already entered into your deal.

  • Loan Amount

  • Loan Term

  • Loan Category

  • Requirements and Objectives

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