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Use SMS Templates

Save and automate messages

Written by JP
Updated over a week ago

Learn how to create an SMS template that can be used in workflow automations or standalone messages.



Before BrokerEngine can send SMS messages, you need to set up touchSMS integration. Click to learn about SMS templates.

Creating an SMS template

Follow these steps to build an SMS template from scratch. You can use the template to send a standalone message or add the template to an automated workflow.

  1. Click the account icon (with your initials) in the bottom left corner of the page.

  2. In the Settings column, click Workflow.

  3. Select SMS Templates.

Click the New button. A blank template displays. Fill in the fields (see below). Click Save.

Filling in the fields

  • Template Name - Enter a descriptive name for the template.

  • From - Click the field and select a role or phone number from which the SMS will be sent. If you only have one mobile phone number available, BrokerEngine greys out the From field.

  • To - Select a role on a card to which an SMS will be sent. For example, if you want BrokerEngine to send an alert to clients when they have loan application documents available for signing in Client Portal, select Coapplicants. Alternatively, if the message will always go to the same number regardless of client or card details, enter the mobile number.

  • Message - Enter your text. Optionally, add merge fields to the template. When BrokerEngine sends an SMS using this template, the platform takes information from its configuration settings, card, or contact record to replace the merge field.

You can create an SMS template from a contact record. However, that option has fewer merge fields, and the template won't be available to use in workflow templates.

Adding an SMS step to a workflow template

You can add an SMS template to a new or existing workflow.

Opening an existing workflow

  1. Click the account icon (with your initials) in the bottom left corner of the page.

  2. In the Settings column, click Workflow.

  3. Select Workflow Templates.

  4. Scan the list and select a workflow. Click the name to open the workflow.

  5. If the workflow is currently in use, switch off the Published toggle.

Adding an SMS template

Go to a step and click the Step Type field. Select Send SMS

  1. Click the SMS Template field and select an option.

  2. Select an SMS template (or optionally click Add SMS Template to create a new one).

  3. Click Save. Switch on the Published toggle to start the workflow again.

Manually sending an SMS

  1. Open a contact record or dashboard card.

  2. Click the SMS tab.

  3. Click the Use SMS Template field and select an option.

Click the From field and select a role or phone number. If you only have one mobile phone number available, the From field will be greyed out.

  1. Click the To field and select the message recipient(s).

  2. Enter or edit the SMS message. BrokerEngine displays the number of characters used at the bottom of the message editing field and the number of SMS message parts that touchSMS uses to send it.

  3. Click Send.

If you use a URL in a message and have enabled URL shortening in touchSMS, the character count displayed in BrokerEngine might be greater than the character count that touchSMS ends up using.


The number of characters I entered doesn't match the character count.

  • SMS uses a limited native character set known as GSM. If you use characters that aren't in this character set, they must be encoded, using extra characters in the background to display the right ones. For example, if you're writing in Chinese or Arabic scripts, these are not supported in the original GSM character set, and each character will use up more of the character count.

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