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Add a Lender Package

Enter discounts and benefits that you can manually update

Sam Reyes avatar
Written by Sam Reyes
Updated over a week ago

Lender packages add discounts and benefits to lender products.

BrokerEngine does not automatically update or maintain lender packages that you manually enter into the system. You must ensure the information you enter is correct before using it. Learn more.



Know how to add a lender.

Opening the Packages page

To see the list of account lender packages:

  1. Log in to your BrokerEngine account.

  2. Go to the bottom left corner and click the account icon.

  3. Select Lenders > Packages.

The page displays a list of lender packages currently available for your account. If you haven't uploaded any packages, the page only shows packages tracked by BrokerEngine (i.e. System Packages).

  • Items with a Yes in the System Package are packages created and updated by BrokerEngine. These packages cannot be changed or deleted.

  • Items with a No in the column are private packages uploaded to your account. BrokerEngine does not update these packages. You can edit or delete these items.

Adding a package

Go to the top right corner of the Packages page.

  1. Click the Add Package button. A popup displays.

  2. Click the Lender field and select an option. Optionally, create a new lender.

  3. Enter package details. Fields with red asterisks are required.

  4. Click Add Package.

BrokerEngine auto-assigns a Package ID after you click Add Package.

You only need to create a lender package once. BrokerEngine adds the package to the funding position drop-down for everyone in your group.

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