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Deals Dashboard Stages Explained
Deals Dashboard Stages Explained

Deal Stages are the steps that each Deal goes through, from application to submission.

Craig Vaughan avatar
Written by Craig Vaughan
Updated over a week ago

The Default Deals Dashboard

The Default Deals Dashboard is divided into 15 Deal Stages as follows:

  1. OUTSTANDING SUPPORTING DOCS - To move to this stage from the Leads dashboard if there are still outstanding documents from the client to be requested or followed up.

  2. PREPARE FOR SUBMISSION - Once all supporting docs are received from the client, move to this stage to prepare the deal for pre-approval or formal approval

  3. APP DOCS SENT TO CLIENT FOR SIGNING - Application documents have been sent to the client for signing, this stage has a follow up sequence to ensure the docs are returned in a timely manner.

  4. SIGNED APP DOCS RECEIVED FROM CLIENT- Signed application documents have been received from the client ready to submit to the lender.

  5. DEAL SUBMITTED TO LENDER - Application and supporting documents have been submitted to the lender.

  6. AIP ISSUED - Approval In Principle (aka. Pre Approval) has been issued by the lender

  7. CONDITIONAL APPROVAL/ MISSING INFORMATION REQUEST - Deal has been conditionally approved and/or missing information requested from lender.

  8. CONDITIONS/ MIR REQUESTED- Conditions or missing information required have been requested from the appropriate party (Client, Broker, Agent, Solicitor etc)

  9. CONDITIONS/ MIR SENT TO LENDER- Information requested from the lender has been submitted to the lender.

  10. FORMAL APPROVAL - Deal has been formally (unconditionally) approved

  11. MORTGAGE DOCS ISSUED- Mortgage documents have been issued by the lender

  12. MORTGAGE DOCS RETURNED - Mortgage docs have been received by lender

  13. READY TO SETTLE - Mortgage docs have been certified by the lender and they are ready to take settlement booking.

  14. SETTLEMENT BOOKED - Settlement has been booked by the Lender

  15. SETTLEMENT - Settlement has occurred

  16. LOST/DECLINED - The deal is not proceeding. The deal is automatically archived, however, is available from list view.

How To Move A Deal Stage

It will usually be Team member(s) who are moving Deal Stages, rather than the Broker.

There are two main ways to move Deal Stages within BrokerEngine.  

  1. Drag and drop a Deal Card from one stage into another

  2. From within the Deal Card you can use the Deal Stage Dropdown to select a new stage.

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