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Deals Dashboard Overview

A quick tour of features and tools

Shelley Maher avatar
Written by Shelley Maher
Updated over 12 months ago

After logging in, you land on the Deals dashboard, the main interface for managing deals (i.e. Loan Applications) within BrokerEngine. This dashboard works like a Trello or Kanban board. Each deal is represented by a unique card. Each card sits in a different stage (or column), usually Leads or Deals, but there are three other stages.

We'll start with a basic introduction to help you get your bearings before exploring the underlying features.

This article describes the Deals dashboard. You'll find similar features and tools on the other boards (e.g. Leads).




Video walkthrough

Get a visual tour of the dashboard.

Deals dashboard overview

To customise the dashboard display, go to the top right corner and click an icon.

  1. Filter - Simplify the dashboard by hiding deal cards that don't match filter criteria. Click the icon and select a variable (e.g. broker) or deal tag.

  2. Expand - Open every stage that has at least one deal card.

  3. Collapse - Close all stages.

  4. Open Preset - Click an icon to open a preset number of stages. Expand stages 1-4, 5-9, or 10-15.

  5. List - Click this icon to display the data in a list format (see below for unique features). Click the icon to return to the board format.

List view features

Click the Edit Columns button (at the top of the page) to customise the data display. Expand a folder and use the checkboxes to hide or show data columns.

Switch off the toggle to hide active deals and show archived deals.

Understanding deal cards

You can drag and drop cards into different stages as the deal progresses. BrokerEngine auto-sorts the cards in each column according to the Stage Due date. The most urgent dates are at the top of the column.

Each deal card summarises information in an easy-to-scan format.

  1. Logo - Identity the lender for the deal.

  2. Title - Set by the user (usually the name of the borrower). It can be edited at any time.

  3. Owner - This could be the Broker or a Team user, depending on user preferences.

  4. Key Dates - Colour-coded based on urgency. Green means the deadline is not due. Amber means the deadline is approaching soon. Red means the deadline is imminent or overdue.

To change the order of cards, click the Stage Due button and change the date on the calendar.

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