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Fact Find Overview- Newest Version
Fact Find Overview- Newest Version

Tour the new template design and features

Shelley Maher avatar
Written by Shelley Maher
Updated over a week ago

Introducing our latest Fact Find form template. In this article, I highlight the new form and show you how to implement the template in your account.



To enjoy the new features, you must go to FinanceVault and switch the default from Fact Find Classic to the new Fact Find. This quick video shows you how.

Video Walkthrough

This video provides a quick tour of the new Fact Find form. Worth a watch.

Fact Find Classic vs (New) Fact Find

Fact Find Classic

(New) Fact Find

Client View

Client View


  • Limited Customisation


  • Convenience Easily view and update Fact Find data from a single screen within the deal. Push data to FLEX when ready.​

  • No Limit on Applicants and Guarantors Gather data for as many applicants or guarantors as you need in one request. Push all to FLEX.

  • A better experience An improved modern and professional look and feel that's intuitive for brokers and clients.​

  • Two-way Deal Data Sync Data from the deal syncs to the Fact Find and vice versa.

  • Comprehensive Data Collection Capture overseas addresses and phones and multiple household living expenses.

  • Enhanced Mobile Experience Flawless functionality for clients to complete using their mobile phones.

  • COMING SOON Fact Find Summary page pulling data from the form to the Deal page.


  • Limited to 2 applicants per template.

  • Limited FLEX sync of 2 applicants only.

  • There is no data sync between the deal and Fact Find.

  • Australian phone numbers and addresses only.


  • Not customisable This template is currently not customisable. However, we are confident it covers everything required to submit a deal.

What remains the same?

  • Fact Find is requested via the FinanceVault client portal with the same process as Fact Find Classic.

  • Data is updated and saved in real time.

  • Re-use a previous fact find.

  • Fact Find can be locked on the broker side at any time. The form automatically locks once synced.

  • Fact Find can be pre-filled by the broker or team before sending it to the client.

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