Learn how to insert and format a table in a custom proposal template.
Know how to create a proposal template.
Inserting a Table
Locate a place to insert a table and click the mouse.
Go to the toolbar and click the Table icon.
Drag the mouse on the grid to select the number of rows and columns.
Click the last cell in the range. The editor places the table on the page.
Copying a table
You can copy a table and paste it into another page. Hover the mouse. The table outline turns yellow. Click the square icon. The table outline turns blue.
Click CTRL C (Command-C on Mac) to copy.
Go to a different location in the report.
Click CTRL V (Command-V) on Mac) to paste.
Deleting a table
Hover the mouse. The table outline turns yellow. Click the square icon. Click DELETE.
Formatting a table
Click one cell in the table. The toolbar displays.
Column properties
Click this icon to insert or delete a column. Click Select column to apply bulk styling (e.g. apply Italics) to text in the column.
If you switch on the Header column toggle, the tool formats the selected column plus all the columns to the left with grey cell sharing and bold text.
Row properties
Same as above. Add, remove, or select rows. Switch on the toggle to format rows.
Merge cells properties
Select one cell and then click the Merge icon. Merge or split the cell in any direction.
Table properties
Click the icon to configure table settings. You can customize the:
table border (style, width, and colour)
background colour
table dimensions
table alignment on the page (left, centre, or right)
Cell properties
Click the icon to configure settings for one cell or a group of cells. You can customize the:
cell border (style, width, and colour)
cell background colour
cell dimensions
text justification inside the cell
text alignment (top, bottom, centre) inside the cell