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Viewing and Managing the Task List
Viewing and Managing the Task List

Display a list of jobs that need to be done for your clients and contacts

Shelley Maher avatar
Written by Shelley Maher
Updated over a year ago

BrokerEngine's task list provides an overview of the work that needs to be completed by your broker group. This article describes the task tools you can use to streamline that work.



Know how to create a task.

Viewing the current task list

Click Tasks in the side menu. If a filter currently applies to the task list, BrokerEngine highlights it in the Filter column.

Click a task to view details in the side panel.

Modifying the task table

You can change the fields that BrokerEngine displays in the task table. Click Show Fields in the top toolbar. Use the toggle switches to hide and display columns.

Filtering tasks

Basic filters

Filter the task list by attributes. These filters are cumulative, which means BrokerEngine applies each additional filter to the already-filtered list. You can't save Basic filters for reuse, but BrokerEngine keeps the last settings.

To use a basic filter:

  1. Select Basic at the top of the page.

  2. Select a filter.

  3. Select an attribute.


Filter the task list with multiple criteria using AND and OR statements. These settings can become quite complex, so it's a good idea to save advanced filters for reuse. To create an advanced filter, select Advanced at the top of the page.

Click New Advanced Filter.

Adding conditions

Select an attribute and attribute options.

  • To apply the next filter only to the results of the first filter, click AND.

  • To apply the next filter condition to the whole task list, click OR.

When you select AND, you're making the task list smaller. When you select OR, you make the viewable task list larger.

To add another filter condition, click AND or OR, and select an attribute. If you want to combine multiple AND and OR conditions in one filter, consider adding condition groups to help you ensure that BrokerEngine knows what you want. BrokerEngine treats each condition group like a single filter condition.

Saving and sharing

To save an advanced filter for later use, click Save and enter a unique name. Optionally, if you want other people in the broker group to see and use the filter, check the Share to Broker Group box to share the filter within the broker group.

When another user logs in and selects the Advanced tab on the Tasks page, they can quickly find and enable a saved filter (if shared with the broker group).

Viewing tasks assigned to a specific person

  1. Select Basic at the top of the page.

  2. Expand Assignee.

  3. Check the box next to one or more user names.

  4. Click outside the window to close the window.

Viewing tasks assigned to a team

  1. Select Basic at the top of the page.

  2. Expand Assigned Team.

  3. Check the box next to one or more team names.

  4. Click outside the window to close the window.

Viewing a broker's tasks due in the next week

  1. Select Basic at the top of the page.

  2. Expand Broker.

  3. Check the box next to one or more broker names.

  4. Expand Due Date.

  5. Check the box for Next 7 Days.

To narrow down the list to a certain type of task, like ones that a broker might need to complete rather than their team, expand Task Type and check a box for the type of task you want BrokerEngine to display.

Viewing calls a broker needs to make

  1. Select Advanced at the top of the page.

  2. Click New Advanced Filter.

  3. Select Due Date and Today and Past.

  4. Click Add Condition (if visible) or the AND button (if visible).

Select Status and Incomplete. This narrows the list to tasks that haven't been marked as complete.

Click Add Condition. Select Type and Broker Call, Contains, and one or more broker names. This narrows down the list to broker calls that need to be made.

Click Add Condition Group and then OR. Select Assignee, Contains, and then the name of the broker. This adds tasks assigned to the broker but aren't clients of that broker.

Click Save. Enter a descriptive name for the filter. Click OK.

Combining filter options

You can set combinations of filter conditions. Each filter condition contributes to the resulting task list. Multiple filter conditions can add results or reduce the number of results depending on the operators.


  • AND - All filter criteria you select must be true before a task is displayed in the task list. For example, if you select a lender and task status, BrokerEngine only displays tasks with that lender and status. It won't display tasks that only have the correct lender or the correct status.

  • OR - If any filter criteria are true, BrokerEngine displays a task in the task list. For example, if you select a lender and task status, BrokerEngine displays tasks that have that lender or the status.


Filter groups give you more flexibility in the tasks that BrokerEngine displays. You can think of filter groups as large multi-part conditions. Like filter conditions, you can use AND or OR operators between them to modify how they change the task list.

Marking a task as done

  1. Go to the task list and select a row.

  2. Hover the mouse on the three-dot icon.

  3. Select Mark as Done.


  1. Click a task.

  2. Click Complete.

  3. Click the arrow to close the side panel.

Snoozing a task

To postpone the task due date:

  1. Click a task.

  2. On the side panel, click the clock icon.

  3. Click a default option, or click Pick Date and Time to select a new due date and time.

  4. Click OK.

To unsnooze a task and reset the original due date, click the clock icon.

Adding a note to a task

  1. Click a task.

  2. Scroll down the side panel to the field note field.

  3. Enter a note or optionally select a note template.

  4. Optionally, add an attachment by dragging a file from your filer explorer or selecting Click to upload.

  5. If you want one or more people to receive a notification when you add the note, add names from the Notify drop-down list.

  6. Click Create Note.

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