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Create an Email Template

Automate routine processes

Shelley Maher avatar
Written by Shelley Maher
Updated over a year ago

Learn how to create an email template. Email templates can help you save time,

create consistency with your communications, and trigger automatically within a workflow.




Creating a template

To create an email template:

  1. Click the account icon (with your initials) in the bottom left corner of the page.

  2. In the Settings column, click Workflow.

  3. Select Email Templates.

  4. Go to the top right corner and click the New button. A popup displays.

Filling in the fields

In the popup, enter a name for the email template.

  • Shared With - The default setting is to share the template with everyone in your broker group. To limit access, uncheck the box and add one or more names to the field.

  • From - By default, BrokerEngine adds the Broker role to the From field. To change the default, click the field and select a different role on the drop-down menu.

  • To - Click the field and select a role (e.g. client) that BrokerEngine should use to fill in the To address. These job titles come from widgets on the board cards. For example, if you select Accountant, BrokerEngine will fill in the name and email address of the accountant for a card based on the information filled in from the Accountant widget in the sidebar. Optionally, you could enter a specific email directly.

  • Subject - Enter the subject you want the recipient to see in their email inbox.

Configuring a message

Merge field options

Next, create a message template with merge fields. There are many merge field fields, so we divided them into two lists.

  • To create a basic template without loan information, click Advanced Settings and select Contact. BrokerEngine displays a short list of merge field options in the right-hand panel.

  • To create a template with load information, click Advanced Settings and select Loan. BrokerEngine displays a long list of merge field options in the right-hand panel.

Adding text and merge fields

Enter the message text into the field.

Position the cursor where you want a mail merge field and click a field label in the list. Use mail merge fields to add information that might change for each client or other party you contact frequently.

Adding files

To attach one or more files to the template, drag files from your file explorer to the shaded Attachments area or click Click to upload to browse the files. Click Save.

Sample email messages with mail merge fields

Mail merge fields allow BrokerEngine to pull information from profile settings, contact records, or board cards into the text of an email. Here are some examples:

{{ salutation }} {{ related_parties.referrer.first_name }},
Just a quick update to confirm that the application for {{ }} has now settled.
Thank you once again for the referral and the opportunity to assist.
If you have any feedback on the process, please let me know.

{{ salutation }} {{ nicknames }},Please find attached your {{ }} Settlement Advice with repayment details for your new home loan.
They look correct to me and confirmed with
{{ }} - however if anything is amiss please just let me know.
I'll be back in touch in a few days for our post settlement review call to ensure we finalise any outstanding items as per original advice/strategy and to answer any questions/concerns etc.
If you have any questions in the interim, please let me know.

Hi {{ nicknames }}
Congratulations again on securing the land!
The next step prior to the builder being able to begin work on building your new home, is to arrange a Letter of Commencement from {{ }}. A letter of commencement is the bank confirming they are ready to start making payments to the builder. Until this is issued, your builder will not begin work.
I've updated the portal here with all of the documents we will need to get through to the end. There isn't much for you to do now - essentially we wait for the builder. But you will be able to see the requirements at the varying stages as the payments progress.
FinanceVault: {{ primary_applicant.fv_invite_url }}.
I will now email the builder with the requirements as well. Once received, I'll arrange with {{ }} to get the Letter of Commencement so the building can begin.
If you have any questions in the interim, please let me know.

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