Filtering a board (e.g. Leads or Deals) by the Assigned Team is an efficient way to manage cards that apply to you.
If you joined BrokerEngine recently, you may not see the option to create Assigned Teams. We redacted and replaced this feature with a more powerful Team Roles functionality. Users who joined BrokerEngine before the introduction of Team Roles still have access to the Assigned Teams functionality to not disrupt their workflow setups. We encourage all users to switch to Team Roles as it has all the same functionality as Assigned Teams, plus more.
Know how to create a team.
Creating a filter
Open a board.
Click the Filter icon in the top right corner of the page.
Check the Assigned Team box.β A popup displays.
Go to the popup and select one or more team names. Click the X icon to close the popup. BrokerEngine filters the board and shows stages and cards with a matching assigned team name.
Removing a filter
Click the filter icon and then uncheck the box next to Assigned Team. Click the X icon to close the popup.