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Add Documents in FinanceVault Without Triggering an Email
Add Documents in FinanceVault Without Triggering an Email

Update a document request without sending a notification.

Natalie McCulloch avatar
Written by Natalie McCulloch
Updated over a week ago

Use this feature to update a list of documents that a client needs to review without triggering an email message. Here's a scenario. A broker creates a document request with one file and then clicks the Review Request button. BrokerEngine sends the lead an email notification. The broker finds an error and needs to include another file but does not want to send another email notification.



Know how to publish and send a document request.

Video walkthrough

Learn how to add files to an existing document request without triggering an email notification.

Adding documents

Open the DOCUMENT REQUEST page. The page shows the PENDING requests.

Go to the TEMPLATES pane. Locate the file that you need to add to the current document request. Click the Add to Request icon. BrokerEngine adds the document to the request page. The status of the new document is Draft. Repeat the steps to add more documents.

Optionally, you could create a new document instead of adding a template. Click the ADD NEW DOC button to create a document and request.

Publishing new documents

Click the Review Request button at the bottom of the page. A side panel displays.

Do not click the PUBLISH & SEND TO CLIENT button. Instead, go to the draft document and click the Publish icon. BrokerEngine makes the document accessible to your client but does not send an email notification.

Click the X icon to close the side panel.

On the DOCUMENT REQUEST page, BrokerEngine changes the status of the new document to PENDING.


This FinanceVault feature can save brokers time and reduce the number of outgoing notifications, but there is a limitation. The broker must add the new documents to the DOCUMENT REQUEST pane before the client completes the tasks in the initial request.

Here is an example. A broker created a document request several days ago (see below screenshot). The request had one template (2 Payslips). The client completed the document review and uploaded two attachments three days ago. From the client's perspective, all outstanding tasks are complete. If the broker publishes a new document without an email notification (e.g. Fact Find & Liiving Expenses), the client may not have a reason to open the portal page, in which case, they might not be aware of the modified document request.

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