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Use Workflow Trigger Conditions

Start automated workflows when a specific condition is met

Shelley Maher avatar
Written by Shelley Maher
Updated over a week ago

A trigger is an event that starts an automated workflow. For example, if a lead card moves to Stage 6 Checklist Documents Requested, a workflow automatically sends the broker an email message. To create a robust workflow, you can apply conditions to a trigger. The workflow only starts when a specific condition is true.



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Learn about trigger conditions.

Types of conditions

You can set positive or negative conditions.

Positive conditions

BrokerEngine starts the workflow if the condition is true. In the example below, the workflow starts when a lead card moves into Stage 6 (Checklist Documents Requested) if the Deal Type is Purchase.

  1. Create a workflow and click the Trigger Conditions link.

  2. Click the field and select Only trigger this workflow if the following conditions are also met.

  3. Click a field and enable a trigger. (see below)

  4. Complete the workflow.

  5. Click Save.

Negative conditions

BrokerEngine doesn't start the workflow if the condition is true. In the example below, the workflow does not start when a lead card moves into Stage 6 (Checklist Documents Requested) if the Deal Type is Construction (Own Land).

  1. Create a workflow and click the Trigger Conditions link.

  2. Click the field and select Do not trigger this workflow if the following conditions are met.

  3. Click a field and enable a trigger. (see below)

  4. Complete the workflow.

  5. Click Save.

Selecting a trigger condition

You can add these types of conditions:

  • Lender - Trigger a workflow if the selected lender is assigned to the lead/deal.

  • Deal Tag - Trigger a workflow if the selected tag is assigned to the lead/deal.

  • Deal Type - Trigger a workflow if a specific Funding Position is selected (i.e. Purchase, Refi, Construction, Land and Build, or Top Up).

  • 1-Click Workflow - BrokerEngine has a long list of 1-Click-Workflows you can use to tell the system there is a deal variation with actions that need to be addressed. You can build a custom workflow that triggers only when a particular 1-Click-Workflow has been assigned to a deal.

  • Broker Brand - Useful if you operate multiple brands that have different processes or communication systems. Create a specific workflow based on the brand assigned to a lead or deal.

  • Lead Source - Useful when you're running a marketing campaign. Build a specific workflow that triggers if a particular lead source is assigned against the lead or deal.

Using multiple trigger conditions

A workflow can have two or more conditions. These conditions work differently depending on the type of trigger condition you select.

  • Positive conditions - Select Only trigger this workflow if the following conditions are also met. All conditions must be true before BrokerEngine starts the workflow. If one of the conditions isn't true, BrokerEngine won't start the workflow.

  • Negative conditions - Select Do not trigger this workflow if the following conditions are met. If one of the conditions is true, BrokerEngine won't start the workflow. Any condition can stop BrokerEngine from starting the workflow.

Managing conflicting workflows

Occasionally, workflows overlap. For example, you might create a workflow to handle generic requests for loan application supporting documentation and a different supporting documentation workflow for situations where the client lives in another country.

One positive and negative condition

You can avoid running multiple workflows for the same scenario by creating trigger conditions that limit when BrokerEngine starts each workflow. For example, you might use these settings:

  • For the generic workflow - Select Do not trigger this workflow if the following conditions are met plus 1-Click Workflow > Client Lives Overseas.

  • For the specific workflow - Select Only trigger this workflow if the following conditions are also met plus 1-Click Workflow > Client Lives Overseas.

Two positive conditions

You could trigger a specific workflow with two positive conditions. In the example below, the workflow starts if the deal is lodged with Credit Union SA and it is a Purchase. Both conditions must be true. Otherwise, this workflow does not start.

Here's the catch. You might have a standard workflow that runs on all new deals. To ensure that you don't run both workflows on the same deal, add a negative condition to the standard workflow. Configure that workflow to not trigger if the deal is a purchase from Credit Union SA.

  • Do not trigger this workflow if the following condition is true: Lender = Credit Union SA.


In the above example, BrokerEngine won't trigger the workflow if the lender is Credit Union SA. If you create another workflow with two positive conditions (the lender is Credit Union SA and the deal type is Purchase) BrokerEngine won't run the workflow unless both conditions are true. That means BrokerEngine won't run the workflow for any purchase deal.

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