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Use 1-Click Workflows

Bullet-proof complex deals

Shelley Maher avatar
Written by Shelley Maher
Updated over 8 months ago

1-click workflows are specific features of a loan application. They ensure all the finer details in a complex deal are noted and completed. The result? Delays and mistakes are less likely to happen because of an oversight.

Here's an example. We have a 1-click workflow called Lender Rebate. If this is selected against a lead or deal, the system auto-adds a pre-built set of checklist items and team tasks. Completing these items and tasks helps ensure the lender rebate is applied for, approved and paid.

Locating 1-click workflows

Open the Deals board. Locate a deal card and double-click the client name. Go to the right-hand panel and click the 1-Click Workflows icon. A slider displays.

The icon is at the bottom of the blue panel. You might have to zoom out and scroll down to see the 1-Click Workflows icon.

The slider shows workflows that you can use to trigger actions on your deal card. Use the scroll bar to see the complete list of trigger options.

Optionally, mouse over the question mark (?) icon. Read the tooltip to learn about the relevant stage, action type, and workflow details.


Click the circle next to workflow names to activate options. Click the star to add a workflow to your Favorites list. Click the Favorite button to filter the list and hide non-favorite workflows.

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