Dashboards allow you to check the overall progress of your current work and quickly access specific cards.
Dashboards display two main types of information:
Columns that represent stages in the dashboard life cycle.
Cards that represent individual potential, active, or reviewable deals.
Each column on the dashboard represents a different stage. Each card typically starts out in the first column and progresses across the columns as you work on it.
Every card on a dashboard displays a quick summary of the key information about it. The specific information displayed depends on the dashboard type, but typically includes:
Title - Set by the person who creates the card. Typically, it includes the client's name, but it might include extra details (e.g., it's a commercial loan).
Owner - The person or team in charge of the card.
Key dates - Important dates for this card. For example, a lead card will display Finance, Settlement, and Stage Due dates.
Dashboard toolbars
The Leads and Deals dashboards have a collection of tools at the top of the page.
Add a new card.
Search for text within the title, owner, or contacts on a card.
Filter the dashboard to only display certain cards.
Expand and collapse all columns.
Display the dashboard as a list instead of a set of columns and cards.
Exclusive to the Deals dashboard, click an icon to quickly expand or collapse the first four columns, the middle four columns, or the last four columns.
Custom dashboards
You can add, remove, or modify the dashboards that BrokerEngine displays to meet the needs of your broker group.
You can customise a dashboard's:
Name - This is displayed in the Boards menu and on the dashboard's page.
Type - Affects the default automation processes running.
Stages - The phases that a card goes through on a dashboard. These should correlate to how you move people through your sales and deal processes.
FinanceVault visibility - If you have status tracking enabled, your clients can view the progress of their deals in FinanceVault. These settings allow you to fine-tune their experience.
You can set up dashboards and workflow automation for any common processes you need to track. They're especially useful for compliance-related processes that require specific tasks always to be completed and documented because you can then keep track of whether those tasks have been completed correctly.
Dashboard types
These dashboard types are available in BrokerEngine:
Asset Finance
Custom 1-10
Stage mapping
These stage types are available for dashboards in BrokerEngine:
New Lead
Appointment Booked
Interview Held
Loan Strategy Report
Presentation Held
Warm prospects
Hot prospects
Lost Opps (Last two weeks)
On Hold
Get Supporting Docs
Prepare Deal for AIP
Sent for AIP
AIP Issued
Prep Deal for Formal
Submitted for Conditional
Conditional Approval
Submitted for Formal
Formal Approval
Mortgage Documents Issued
Mortgage Docs Return
Ready to Settle
Settlement Booked
Progress Payments
Misc Post Settlement