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Create a Digital Email Signature
Create a Digital Email Signature

Add a digital image of your signature or brand logo

Shelley Maher avatar
Written by Shelley Maher
Updated over a year ago

Send manual and automated emails through BrokerEngine with your email signature or brand logo. Upload these digital assets to your Personal Details page.

Online email signature managers like Blackpearl Mail do NOT work with our Outbox feature.




Creating a digital signature

You can't generate a digital signature inside BrokerEngine. Instead, find a free online site that creates digital signatures (Signwell is one example, but there are many more).

After you create a digital image, download the file or take a screenshot of the online signature and save that file to your device.

Uploading a digital signature

  1. Go to the bottom left corner of the page and click the account icon.

  2. In the Settings column, select Personal Details.

  3. Expand the Brands folder.

  4. Scroll down to Email Signature.

  5. Go to the toolbar and click the image icon.

  6. Locate the file on your device.

  7. Upload the image.

  8. Drag a corner to resize the image.

  9. Click a toolbar icon to adjust the signature location inside the field.

Adding an image link

Optionally, add a link to the digital signature image.

  1. Click the image file in the field.

  2. Click the link icon.

Paste a URL into the field. Optionally, switch on the toggle to open the link in a new tab. Click the checkmark to save the change. Go to the bottom of the page and click Save.

Adding image alt text

Insert a short amount of alt text to help the reader understand the intended purpose of the image in case the email service provider fails to display the image.

  1. Click the image file in the field.

  2. Click the image text icon.

Type the text alternative into the field. Click the checkmark to save the change. Go to the bottom of the page and click Save.

Changing the layout

A digital image typically sits above or below if you have text in the signature field (e.g., phone number or company name). Using the justify tool to change the image location is possible, but the email message doesn't always display well on the receiver end.

One solution is to insert a table and place your image (or images) and text inside table cells. The table preserves the layout on the receiver end.

To insert a table:

  1. Click the table icon.

  2. Select the number of columns and rows.

To insert an image (e.g. digital signature, brand logo, etc.), select a cell and click the image icon in the toolbar. Insert the image file from your device. Optionally, add text to the other cells.

To adjust the location of the table and table cells, open the Table Properties and Cell Properties.

Highlight the table and click the Table Properties icon.

Set the table width. In this example, we enter 1200px. Click Save.

To adjust cell width:

  1. Highlight a cell and click the Cell Properties icon.

  2. Set the cell width. In this example, we enter 900. This moves the text in the cell to the left so that it is closer to the digital signature.

  3. Click Save.

Style the table and cells

Optionally, customise border and background settings.

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