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DocuSign Troubleshooting

Find and fix issues and problems

Written by JP
Updated over a week ago

Here is a list of issues (and solutions) you might encounter when using DocuSign with BrokerEngine.



Matching broker name

Make sure the name of the broker on the BrokerEngine card is the same name used on the DocuSign Integrations tab (Settings > Integrations > DocuSign).

Matching email addresses

The names and email addresses of all parties in the DocuSign modal and Applicant Detail section must be the same.

If there are co-applicants, each party must have their own unique email address. Two people sharing the same email address creates issues.

Using the Set up recipient modal

When configuring Client Portal settings, the Recipient Type must be set in the Set up recipients modal, not the DocuSign modal. If the Broker field is set to receive a copy, then the Receives a Copy recipient type must be selected.

Recipient error message


The Client Portal page displays this error message: The recipient you have identified is not a valid recipient of the specified envelope.

  • If you delete a recipient's envelope inside DocuSign, manually add an envelope, and click Sign Now, BrokerEngine displays this message.


Delete the document request category and then recreate the document request category. This resets the envelope for the recipient.

Empty DocuSign envelope


When template matching is enabled, DocuSign must match the role and recipient type in the document you're sending and the matching template. If DocuSign can't find a template with the exact document, role, and recipient matches, it returns an empty envelope.


Check your Role and Recipient Type fields against the DocuSign template you want to use. Ensure they match perfectly, including the case.

Receiving multiple emails from DocuSign


An applicant receives multiple emails from DocuSign. In many cases, the problem comes from conflicting recipient settings.

For instance, you set an applicant to receive a copy of the document in the BrokerEngine Set up recipients popup.

On the DocuSign page, the applicant's setting is Needs to Sign.

Based on these settings, DocuSign sends out these emails to the recipient:

  • 1st email - Contains an invalid Review Document link.

  • 2nd email - A corrected email that informs the recipient that they no longer have access to the link provided in the first email.

  • 3rd email - Contains the valid Review Document link which the applicant can use to sign the document.


Double-check your Role and Recipient Type settings in the Set up recipients popup before clicking Next. Avoid making changes to these settings inside DocuSign.

Looping issue on the Next button


You experience a looping issue when you click the Next button on the Set up recipients popup. Normally, the Next button opens a DocuSign page.

Often, the cause of the problem is conflicting passwords. You changed your DocuSign password, which generated a new token that doesn't match the information on the BrokerEngine server.


Go to the BrokerEngine Integrations page (Settings > Integrations). Click the Disconnect button.

Relink your DocuSign account by clicking the Login to DocuSign button.

DocuSign logs out of the integration


DocuSign integration log-out is automatic after 30 days of inactivity.


Go to the BrokerEngine Integrations page and log back into DocuSign.

Missing Next & Finish buttons


Clients can't see the Next or Finish buttons when signing a document with an iPhone.


Ask the client to tilt their device into the landscape position before clicking the Sign Now button. Also, you can add this instruction to the description box of your document request as a reminder.

Receiving an operation not supported message

DocuSign displays a message: A carbon copy recipient has been specified as captive. This operation is not supported.

This issue occurs when two events happen: 1) The Recipient Type was not set up correctly in the Client Portal Set up recipients popup, and 2) The recipient type was changed only in the DocuSign modal.

For instance, the Broker is set to receive a copy on the Set up recipients popup and a different setting was selected inside DocuSign.


To resolve this problem, create a new document request and make sure the correct Recipient Type has been selected in the Set up recipients popup.

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