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Customise a Board

Create boards and stages that match your workflow

Sam Reyes avatar
Written by Sam Reyes
Updated over 11 months ago

BrokerEngine allows you to customise the entire lifecycle of your prospective and current deals. You can modify:

  • board names and their mapping to BrokerEngine's default boards

  • board stages

  • stage names and their mapping to BrokerEngine's default stages (which gives you access to BrokerEngine's built-in automation and checklists)

  • the way clients see stage information in FinanceVault




Opening the Boards and Stages page

First, open the main boards and stages page.

  1. Log in to BrokerEngine, go to the bottom left corner of the page, and click the account icon.

  2. In the Settings column, click Workflow > Boards and Stages. BrokerEngine displays a list of your current boards.

Reordering boards

Optionally, change the default display order of boards in the side menu (and other lists).

On the Boards and Stages page, click and drag a board name to a new location.

Creating a board

Each BrokerEngine board must have a unique name. This protects you from unwanted automation duplications.

To create a board, go to the Boards and Stages page and click the New button. A new page displays. Complete two main sections and click Save. The sections are:

  1. Board details

  2. Stages (includes Stage Details, Card Details, and FinanceVault)

Deleting a board

Open a board, scroll to the bottom of the page, and click the Delete Board link next to the Save button. Click OK in the confirmation popup. There is no undo option.

Adding board details

  1. Enter a board name.

  2. Click the Type field and select an option on the drop-down menu. Choose an existing option or select a custom type.

  3. Select a FinanceVault visibility level for the board. This affects your clients' ability to see board stages in FinanceVault. Choose visible, hidden, or visible if the application is on a board.

  4. Enter a description of the board. Your clients see this text on the FinanceVault Application page.

Adding stages

Each new board starts with one default stage. To add stages, click the Add Stage link. For each stage, review three sections (Stage Details, Card Details, and FinanceVault) and configure settings as required.

Adding stage details

  • Change the default stage name (optional). BrokerEngine displays this label on the board and cards.

  • Click the Stage Mapping field and select a menu option. This selection affects the board's built-in card automation.

Configuring stage cards

Optionally, switch on the Show Days-In-Stage Indicator toggle to display a counter on cards in this board stage.

  • Stage Due Days - Enter an integer if you want BrokerEngine to keep cards moving through the stage in a limited amount of time. When a card moves into the stage, BrokerEngine uses this number to set a stage due date X business days in the future.

  • Turn Amber - Enter an integer if you want BrokerEngine to display the due date in orange X number of business days before the stage due date. This value must be less than the Stage Due Days number.

  • Turn Red - Enter an integer if you want BrokerEngine to display the due date in red X number of business days before the stage due date. This value must be less than the Turn Amber number.

  • Add Stage Due Task - Switch on this toggle if you want BrokerEngine to automatically create a task when a card moves into this stage. BrokerEngine sets the task as complete when the card moves out of this stage.

  • Include In Duration Metrics - Switch on this toggle if you want the stage to be included in metrics reports,

Configuring FinanceVault details

  • Set a different Stage Name in FinanceVault - Optionally, check the box to display a custom stage name in FinanceVault status tracking (e.g. change New Leads to Welcome). Check the box to unhide the field.

  • FinanceVault Visibility - This is the same field that appears in the Board details section. If you set the visibility to Always Hidden, you can't select a stage visibility setting.

  • Stage Media Type - Upload an image or insert the URL for a video. To change the image, click the X icon in the corner of the picture and click Choose Image.

  • Attachments - Upload a file.

  • Stage FinanceVault Description - Enter information about the stage. This provides clients with a brief explanation of the stage in FinanceVault.

Managing stages

Adding a child stage

To create a child stage, hover the mouse on a stage name and click the plus (+) icon. BrokerEngine adds two child stages. Select a child stage and configure settings (as described above).

Reordering stages

To change the stage order inside a board, click and drag a row to a new location.

Deleting a stage

Hover the mouse on a stage name and click the trash icon. Select OK in the confirmation popup. There is no undo option.

Excluding a board from your metrics

If you don't want a board to be included in your broker metrics:

  1. Go to the Boards and Stages page and open a board.

  2. Scroll down to Card Details.

  3. Switch off the Include In Duration Metrics toggle.

  4. Click Save.


Deletion of this Stage is protected to prevent unwanted data loss

You might see this error if you try to delete a stage that has cards assigned to it or metrics associated with it.

If you see this error message (or a similar message), please contact support by:

  1. following the link in the error message, or

  2. using the chat bubble in the bottom right corner of the BrokerEngine screen, or

  3. emailing the team at

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