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Managing Applicant Roles - Classic UI
Managing Applicant Roles - Classic UI

This video covers changing a co-applicant to a primary applicant as well as changing a co-applicant to a guarantor and vice versa.

Shelley Maher avatar
Written by Shelley Maher
Updated over 10 months ago

What are Applicant Roles in BrokerEngine?

BrokerEngine gives you the ability to assign as many applicants against a lead or deal as you need. There are 3 applicant 'types':

Primary Applicant: It's recommended to set the main contact of the deal as the primary applicant in BrokerEngine.

Co-Applicant: Add as many additional applicants you need against the deal or lead as 'Co-Applicants'

Guarantor: You can specifically assign 'Guarantors' against lead or deal.

How do I add Co-Applicants or Guarantors to a lead or deal?

[Video Walkthrough]

  1. Double click on the lead or deal card you would like to add applicants or guarantors to.

  2. Once you are in the full view of the lead or deal card, click on the pen icon next to 'Applicant Details' on the left hand side.

3. You have two options to add another applicant to the lead or deal:

Link Existing Applicant: Select this option if the applicant you are wanting to add to this deal already exists as a contact within your BrokerEngine account.

If you select this option, you will be given the opportunity to search for the contact you would like to add to this deal as an applicant or guarantor. Search the contact and then select either 'Co-Applicant or Guarantor' as the role type.

Create New Applicant: Select this option if the applicant you are wanting to add to this deal doesn't exist within you BrokerEngine account yet.

If you select this option, you will be given the opportunity to enter the details of the new contact and to select either 'Co-Applicant or Guarantor' as the role type.

Switch a Co-Applicant or Guarantor to Primary Applicant:

To switch a co-applicant or guarantor to the Primary Applicant role, click on the icon in the below screenshot and then 'Yes'

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