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Exporting Deal Data from Podium for Importing into BrokerEngine
Exporting Deal Data from Podium for Importing into BrokerEngine

Learn how to export data from Podium in the best format for us to get it into BrokerEngine quickly and with the most information possible.

Scott MacLeod avatar
Written by Scott MacLeod
Updated over a week ago

Step 1: Preparation

Download the deal data import template here:

Step 2: Contact Data

Step 2a: Creating the Report

The best base to use is Clients → Contacts & Clients and Residential Client Address

The fields needed are (formatted like Field Group - Field Name):

  • Contact: General - Contact Owner

  • Contact: General - First Name

  • Contact: Custom Info - Middle Name

  • Contact: General - Last Name

  • Contact: Custom Info - Preferred Name

  • Contact: Ph/Fax/Email - Email

  • Contact: Ph/Fax/Email - Mobile

  • Contact: General - Birthdate

  • Contact: Address - Residential Street

  • Contact: Address - Residential City

  • Contact: Address - Residential State/Province

  • Contact: Address - Residential Zip/Postal Code

  • Contact: Address - Residential Country

Step 2b: Run Report and Download Data

Once you have the columns in place, run the report by clicking "Run" in the top right.

Then click the "Filter" button in the top right, and confirm that you're being showed all the contacts.

If you're happy all contacts are showing, click the arrow to the right of the "Edit" button then select "Export".

You'll want to select Comma Delimited .csv for the Format and Unicode (UTF-8) for the Encoding to ensure the least amount of issues.

Then click "Export".

Step 2c: Add Downloaded Data to Spreadsheet

Create a new sheet in the Deal Data Template Spreadsheet.

Copy Contact export into that sheet.

Step 3: Deal Data

Step 3a: Creating the Report

The best base to use is Applications → Applications with Products and Lender.

The fields needed are (formatted like Field Group - Field Name):

  • Application Information - Application ID

  • Application Owner Information - Application Owner

  • Application Information - Application Name

  • Client: General - Person Client: First Name

  • Client: General - Person Client: Last Name

  • Client: Custom Info - Person Client: Preferred Name

  • Client: Ph/Fax - Person Client: Email

  • Client: Ph/Fax - Person Client: Mobile

  • Client: General - Person Client: Birthdate

  • Client: Address - Person Client: Residential Street

  • Client: Address - Person Client: Residential City

  • Client: Address - Person Client: Residential State/Province

  • Client: Address - Person Client: Residential Zip/Postal Code

  • Client: Address - Person Client: Residential Country

  • Lender: General - Lender: Lender Name

  • Application: Custom Info - Lender Application Number

  • Application Information - Amount Required

  • Application Information - Status

  • Application: Custom Info - Primary Purpose

  • Application: Custom Info - Finance Due Date

  • Application Information - Settlement Date

Step 3b: Run Report and Download Data

Once you have the columns in place, run the report by clicking "Run" in the top right.

Then click the "Filter" button in the top right, and confirm that you're being showed all the deals.

If you're happy all deals are showing, click the arrow to the right of the "Edit" button then select "Export".

You'll want to select Comma Delimited .csv for the Format and Unicode (UTF-8) for the Encoding to ensure the least amount of issues.

Then click "Export".

Step 3c: Add Downloaded Data to Spreadsheet

Create a new sheet in the Deal Data Template Spreadsheet.

Copy Deal export into that sheet.

Step 4: Deal Security Data

Step 4a: Creating the Report

The best base to use is Applications → Applications with Securities.

The fields needed are (formatted like Field Group - Field Name):

  • Application Information - Application ID

  • Application Information - Application Name

  • Security: Info - Street

  • Security: Info - City

  • Security: Info - State

  • Security: Info - Postcode

  • Security: Info - Country

  • Security: Info - Property Value

  • Security: Info - Property Type

Step 3b: Run Report and Download Data

Once you have the columns in place, run the report by clicking "Run" in the top right.

Then click the "Filter" button in the top right, and confirm that you're being showed all the deals.

If you're happy all deals are showing, click the arrow to the right of the "Edit" button then select "Export".

You'll want to select Comma Delimited .csv for the Format and Unicode (UTF-8) for the Encoding to ensure the least amount of issues.

Then click "Export".

Step 4b: Add Downloaded Data to Spreadsheet

Create a new sheet in the Deal Data Template Spreadsheet.

Copy Security export into that sheet.

Step 5: Send to BrokerEngine

Email Deal Data Template to

We will then clean up and merge the data, once that is complete we will be in touch to review the data with you. When you’re happy we will import it into BrokerEngine.

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