Preparing the application
Submitting through Simpology
Completing the process in Flex
Ensure you've completed all preliminary steps, including sending out the credit guide, collecting the fact find, completing the product selection, and generating the credit proposal. Click here for detailed instructions.
Validate the selected lender supports Simpology Gateway submissions.
Video Walkthrough
Key Steps for Submitting a Deal via Sympology
1. Preparing the Application
Complete the standard steps up to generating the credit proposal.
Send the credit guide.
Collect the fact find.
Finalise product selections.
Complete the funding details.
Generate and Send the Credit Poroposal
Proceed to the Submission tab in BrokerEngine.
2. Submitting Through Simpology
On the Submission tab, locate the Submit Application dropdown.
Depending on the lender you've selected, the dropdown will dynamically show the available submission methods.
Select Submit via Simpology from the dropdown.
Before submitting, check the validation section:
Ensure all validation checks are ticked.
This confirms the submission is likely to be successful.
Acknowledge the application by clicking the appropriate checkbox.
Click Submit to send the deal via Simpology.
3. Completing the Process in Flex
After submitting the deal via BrokerEngine, one additional step is required:
Once the system confirms the submission is successful:
Log into Flex.
Open the application.
Click the Lodge via Simpology button.
This finalises the submission process for the lender.
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Generating a Credit Proposal in BrokerEngine
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